my own juju

So I used to have a sister, and she really loved animals.  A lot.  She had seven cats, a hamster and some little frog things.  She also worked at a horse rescue, which is how she wound up with so many cats.  I’m not quite clear on why people would bring cats to a horse rescue but they did, and if she felt like any of them wouldn’t do well  at the stable, she’d bring them home.  One of them was named Tripod, for reasons that should be obvious.  Anyway, she thought everyone should have a pet because they are just so blasted good for you.

She was really excited when we decided to get a dog, now our family was complete.  And then my brother and girlfriend (now wife) decided to get a dog too and that just topped things off.  They even named their dog after my sister, Toots.  That was her nickname when we were kids.    My other sister always had dogs, she’s got four kids and kids and dogs just go together, except they don’t have a dog right now.

So here’s the juju part:

Diane’s birthday was August 16th

Tate’s birthday is August 16th

Toots’ birthday is August 16th.

Is that cool or what?

P.S.  Tate is sleeping on his new bed with his head hanging off the side and his tail just wagged.

My New Bed

Mom and Grandma made me a new bed over the weekend and I really like it a lot!  It’s ginormous so I can really stretch out (although I still like to hang my head over the edge sometimes).  And it’s not so soft and lumpy as my old bed, plus the cover doesn’t tear when I scratch it up.  Although I kinda wish it did, that’s more fun and I’d like to be able to pull the stuffing out.

Got the idea here:

Okay, so I'm not crazy about the flowers