Well, first, Tate’s off the Tramadol. His pain is a little higher, I called the vet for a substitute but no return call.
Last night was the night from hell. Panting and restlessness for hours. The only time he settled was when I let him outside, he would have slept outside if I would have let him. As soon as I brought him in, the panting started again and he tried to hide under the dining room table. I laid on the floor and pet him but it didn’t help so I finally went to bed at 2:30 and listened to him pant for another hour before he finally stopped and put his head down.
Because his pain level is higher, I couldn’t put the onesie on him so the cone went on. Oh, the drama! So Dad took over. Brought him outside and sat with him (low 30’s but at least it’s sunny!) He let Tate bump into the house, get tangled in the bushes, stagger around. When Dad would come into his field his view, he’d make his way over for some pets, which was kinda cute. But the rest of it was hard to watch…so I didn’t.
Anyway, he’s been out there for hours now, napping in the sun. What a relief.