Stitches Are Out

Met with Tate’s surgeon today, took out the stitches and gave him the “all clear” and thinks he’s doing great. 

No more Tramadol, nothing else but Rimadyl and just for this week.  That’s the long story short.

She did ask about my concerns about the Tram, I explained everything as best as I could but in the end she thinks he was picking up on my anxiety.  I resemble, I mean, I resent that remark!  Doesn’t matter, when he woke up this morning I could tell he was better.  Woke me up to feed him, ate kibble without any yummies added in, wagged his tail for hugs and pets.  And he hasn’t wagged his tail for a long time!  When we got home, we walked all the way around the block.  He had to stop and rest quite a few times but he did great.  Now he’s sacked out.