The doctor said that my Grandma is really sick and he can’t say how long it will be but they should talk to hospice (whoever that is!) and Mom is really sad so I thought I’d make this album of me and Grandma and maybe that would cheer her up.
I have the best Grandma in the whole wide world because she always just loves me and pets me and talks to me so nice. When we go to visit, I run ahead and go straight to Grandma’s room and barge right in! She’s always so happy to see me and wants me to stay overnight! And she always has treats! She likes to feed me a bunch of treats but Mom makes her give them to me one at a time. Now that Sammy’s here, we take turns getting treats from Grandma.
Here are some pictures of me and my Grandma.
This is the very first time I met Grandma. I liked her right away!Grandma likes car rides as much as I do!See how much Grandma loves me?This is a valentine I made for Grandma (my Daddy helped me)Here's me waiting for Grandma to come downstairs so we could go out and playNow Sam loves Grandma too..but not as much as I do
Some of the Chicagoland Tripawds met at Montrose Beach the other day and despite the typical Chicago weather, we all had a great time. True to form, it was just beautiful at my house and at Ginger’s house…but Isabelle lives near the lake and knows all about “lake effect”! Which means it was cloudy and way windy at the beach and it also means WAVES!
All the humans were too busy chatting to take many pictures (what’s up with that, anyway? Don’t they know a good “Woof” speaks volumes?) So we have no pictures of Ginger rolling in the surf or Isabelle playing with the Great Danes or me playing in the lake. But here is a group shot:
Three Tripawds
We were all so glad to celebrate Ginger’s 11th birthday! PLUS, Ginger has now exceeded 16 months as a Tripawd! Two fabulous reasons to celebrate sweet Ginger in all her Gingerness glory.
Birthday Girl
We were ALSO celebrating the very lovely Isabelle’s (almost) ONE WHOLE YEAR Ampuversary, a very special milestone indeed. And we heard the story about how Isabelle was rescued from Hurricane Katrina and came to live with her mom Cynthia (and a bunch of monkeybutt cats, I might add.) Yaaaayyy Isabelle!
Isabelle at One Year Post-Amp
We also had one more thing to celebrate and that was my 5th birthday (well, in two more days).
Birthday Boy
So you can see we had lots of great reasons to celebrate and celebrate we did, in true Tripawds style. We like Tripawds peeps and dogs so well we’re going to try to do it again in September. Hopefully next time Holly and our new friend Chili Dawg will be there, and maybe even Trouper, too! Plus anyone and everyone that wants to join us!
P.S. My mom said I have to post a picture of my monkeybutt little sister Sam so here it is.
Sam, a.k.a. Cindy Lauper (she just wants to have fun)
Tate’s been on metronomics for about a month now. Seems he had a little trouble the first few days, barfed a couple of times. Someone peed in the house and I think it was him, not Sam. But since then no problems whatsoever…well, an ear infection but I think that’s just too much lake water in his ears. He’s on 12 mg of cytoxan and 100 mg of Rimadyl every day, plus fish oil. His white blood cell count is back up to normal, all his blood work is normal, everything looks normal. This is a normal we can live with, hopefully for a long, long time!
We’ve just been taking advantage of summer to enjoy him and love him. Another long cabin trip earlier this month, visits to the beach, visits to Grandma’s (there’s a pond there…hmmm, can you tell Tate loves water?) We are so thankful for this time. His birthday is next week and I remember when we were so worried he’d never see his 5th birthday – see how useless that worry was?
Just a note about Tate’s birthday. I posted this earlier but it’s pretty cool so I’ll post it again. My sister, who passed away about a year after we got Tate, was a huge, huge animal lover. She had a real menagerie of pets. She was SO happy when we got Tate – she just wants everyone to be happy, and being happy means having a pet to love. So she was REALLY happy when my brother got his first dog, too. She’s a cute little boxer named Toots. And the cool part is that Diane’s birthday was August 16th, Tate’s birthday is August 16th, and Toots’ birthday is also August 16th. The stars are all aligned, everyone is right where they should be, we’re all part of the cosmic plan. Life is good.