Not much new to report but I thought I should just let visitors know Tate’s still alive. He’s getting around fine on three legs with little noticeable effects except sometimes he’s a little cautious and slow sitting down and he doesn’t dodge as well as he used to. But he’s happy, especially now that the weather is cool, and just the same ol’ Tater Tot.
He’s on metronomics and has been on Rimadyl since about January so we had his liver checked last month and everything was fine. All his blood chemistry that was out of whack after his last chemo treatment is back to normal and staying there – except for eosinophil (whatever that is). They tested him for parasites but I suspect it might be an allergy, he was waking up sneezing but that’s subsided so we’ll see what the next blood test brings.
I know, kind of a boring report but sometimes boring is good.
When we started this journey early last spring, I just wanted Tate to have one more summer at the cabin. Well, he was able to have that, we spent as much time as we could up there and Tate had a wonderful summer. Now he’s enjoying the autumn, I think everything must smell better in the fall the way his nose is working over time. It’s such a pleasure just to see him lying on the stoop early in the morning, when it’s so quiet and dark and he’s just taking in every single thing. Yep, he is one happy dog.
I’ve also come to the conclusion that if you are going to have one dog, you should have two. So they can be dogs together. Much as I love Tate, I’m not all that interested in that stinky thing in the bushes and I’m definitely not going to lick his face and ears or bite his head. But Little Sister Sam will do all that for him, and more. She loves him to pieces. Here are a few pics of them playing together.

Such great pictures – reminds me so much of my 2. I’m sure that Tate is loving his little sister’s energy and keeping him on his toes. Yea that Tate is doing so well! And I totally agree with you – boring is good (we always liked that) and 2 dogs are even better than 1 so they can be dogs together. Way to go Tate and demon girl! 🙂
Great pics! Love the demon girl shot.
And, yes, around here boring is GOOD.
Jackie, Abby’s mom
I agree – boring is good!!! Great pictures. I am glad to hear Tate is doing well.
What is that saying? Dogs are like potato chips. You can’t have just one.
Nancy & Butchey
ditto, ditto, ditto – boring is GREAT!! love the pictures of tate and sam playing – so glad things are working out (as we all knew they would) with the two of them. we agree two dogs are better (and then we add three cats!) thanks for the update.
charon & gayle
boring is PAWESOME! Love the pics of them playing together, makes me smile 🙂
Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg
Those are great pictures of Tate and Sam.
And, again, boring is simply perfect.