Hopping Around

Tate’s up and about, hopping around like a pro.  The surgeon is so pleased with his mobility.  He still won’t be able to come home until tomorrow; they have to do the usual stuff, get him off the IV and catheter, etc.

On the other hand, we know to expect him to crash once he gets home in his own environment.

We’re trying to decide if we should go visit him tonight.  Any thoughts?

Author: tatespeeps

Tate came to us in October 2007, was diagnosed with histiocytic sarcoma in February 2011, had a hemipelvectomy on March 15, 2011, and left us on November 28, 2011. He was 5 years old.

6 thoughts on “Hopping Around”

  1. Great to hear he is doing well!!
    I went to visit Daisy post surgey. It made ME feel better. Not sure if it did anything for miss Daisy 🙂 , she was pretty well doped up.

  2. When is Tate coming home? Have you visited him yet? He will be such a happy doggie @ first sight of you. Good to hear he is coming around nicely…

  3. I chose not to visit Maggie- she was always so desperate to get away from the vet that I felt if she saw me, and I left her there it would be traumatic for her (and me!). I knew she was getting lots of attention as she was a favorite there.
    How do you think Tate would react if you visited and then walked away again? How would you feel? If you both could handle it you could visit.


  4. I second what Karen said. I stayed in a local hotel (Dakota’s amputation was at CSU and we live a couple of hours away) but did not visit. Since he has such tremendous anxiety over being left (he was abandoned), I figured it would make it worse.

    We have a friend about to graduate from CSU’s veterinary school and she visited Dakota. She told me that the pain meds (especially the fentanyl) can make the dogs really nutso and confused, and that even a well-adjusted and mellow dog might be unable to process the coming-going of family. But you know Tate best. For Dakota, it would have been a disaster.


  5. Yes Goooo! If you can, we would visit Bud and it was the only time he would eat and drink He had NEVER been kenneled before his surgeries. It was very calming for me to be able to see him, the rest of the time I would worry. For Bud, it was reassuring that we WERE comming back and he wasnt in it all alone! So glad Tate is doing good!

  6. Many vets will recommend not paying a visit to recovering pups. Most dogs will get excited when seeing their people, and remain anxious and restless when discovering they’re not going home with them. Sounds like Tate is in good hands…

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